13, 2000
I got the following email recently:
"I was going to write in a really sarcastic post (I
didn't). BRAVO! Obviously, you noticed your upset,
stopped the reaction and thought about it before doing anything. I just couldn't take
the unanimity of opinion on your web site anymore, i.e. wife has it good,
then marriage goes bad, man is abusive, wife wants to leave; should I go
or should I stay? 50 posts immediately say, "You go girl"!
I want to throw up. If you carefully read these initial posts
they almost uniformly admit that this bad behavior had been going on for
years. Yes. It has been. Or, more accurately,
they've allowed it to continue for years. That's why the victims are so ANGRY!
Doesn't anyone comment on the
"sandbagging" behavior of these women? Yes!
I thought I did... Over and over...
The man gets the death sentence (woman
emotionally leaves relationship long before she physically leaves) but the
man isn't at the sentencing hearing. He still gets executed though
(wife leaves). Yes.
How can you cheer something that it took two people to
cause? You cheer it when you've had it after trying
and trying and trying - cuz you are so, so, so ANGRY! And you finally
feel validated... And, you are too fresh in your own recovery to take
responsibility for your own anger, or your past inability to stop the
abuse - because you didn't even know it was abuse - any more than the
typical non-sociopathic abuser thought he/she were doling out abuse!
If my wife would have said, look: "You can't talk
to me like that. This ends right here, right now. You say
anything like that one more time and I am leaving you, case closed. I
still love you right now but you are in grave danger of losing that love
if you don't change." I might have gotten the message. But, you probably wouldn't have... If you still can't do
IT now, why do you think you could have done IT then? At best, you could
have started on the road to recovery earlier. More than likely however,
you would have just balked - as I'm 99% sure you did.
You see, the victim has been
trying to tell you. Not too well though. Compounding it, you've had
cotton stuffed in your ears.
Women have a
hard time setting boundaries until there is permanent damage to the
relationship. Correct. Often that is
too late." Often, but not always. And
sometimes, it has to be "over" before the couple can start
again. Also, not all husbands respond as well and as persistently to
helping themselves as you do.
By the way, this is not about women. This really is not a
sexist issue: guy victims have the same difficulty setting boundaries. The
victim doesn't want to "hurt" anybody; the victim has no clue
what a boundary is, let alone how to set one, let alone how to set a
boundary without RAGE in the early stages of
recovery, when your victim typically has fantasies of your being dead.
Now that I took your call to get on the
podium, I will continue. Few victims have a recovery as healthy and as
non-acting out as Rhoda. Rhoda is one of a few
role-models for victims-in-recovery presented on this site. You see how
she wants to act her anger out, but doesn't. Nor does she allow
herself to get hurt anymore. OK, here I go: "Way to go girl!"
I am thankful to the individual who sent
this note to me. His complaint highlights a real issue on these pages:
when the angry victims (usually female) cheer each other on to leave the
awful, horrible abuser. Yes, leave. Never, ever take abuse. But aim to
grow beyond your albeit justified rage. No, you didn't know what it was. Yes, it felt horrible.
No, you didn't have the skills to deal with it. Yes, life is a process and
right now you need to be angry. Just know that in most cases, your abuser
knew as much as you did: not much. So it does take two to tango, even in abuse. (I
know I am going to get in trouble for this one!) None of this changes the
goal of abuse treatment: to stop the abuse, first and foremost. But, never
forget that your life is a gift to you. Once you are an adult, only you
are charged with protecting your Maker's gift to you. Your job is to take
care of yourself in a way that enhances rather than compromises your
integrity. Any comments? Victim
ladies, do you understand your recovery task and the importance of not
getting stuck in rage? Dr. Irene