April 19, 2005
Dear Dr. Irene,
I am 34 years old. I was married once before but we didn't have any children. I met my girlfriend at work, and I fell for her quickly. I knew I loved her and told her within 2 months. Well, we had been together since Valentine's Day 2004. We both felt each other was "the one". I wanted to show her how much I loved her by romancing her with trips to Catalina island and Hawaii. We worked in the same field so when we got back from our trips we discussed trying to find jobs in Hawaii. After we were together for five months, we moved to Hawaii. Before then, we were about living with each other, sometimes at her place and sometimes at my place, in a nearby city. We moved to Maui, then things started to change: I started to verbally abuse my girlfriend, Rena. I don't know what it was for sure that changed for me that made me feel more insecure. I got a job at a military base and I think that maybe the stress of being on military property got to me. You see I had incurred some burns and disfigurement earlier in the military. Since the accident I had become ashamed of my form and didn't show my scars in public. After Rena came into my life I began to try. Well, that's excellent! Stuff happens in life that we can't control and often has nothing to do with us. The healthiest choice we can make is to accept whatever it is and getting on with life. But Mark didn't say anything more about the accident, and it was clear that it related to his issues. I emailed Mark to explain more about this accident. It was somewhat difficult for him to discuss, but he did. This is an abbreviated version of his reply:
I showed my ugly scars in public. But I still had issues. I'm not surprised! What you described is Big. Big enough to give anybody PTSD! And PTSD and it's symptoms can certainly impact on your thoughts, feelings and behavior! I fit many of the symptoms of a verbal abuser. Yes; I guess you already know that taking your frustrations out (because of the disfigurement - or anything else!) on your girlfriend made about as much sense as holding her personally responsible for the accident... I was saying things about the television shows she
enjoyed and different styles of things she liked because of my
insecurities. The good news is that
you now understand that you were doing that. I thought that her interests in the sexy
shows and ideas were going to influence her that my scarred body
was repulsive and that she would leave me. So I put them down
with untrue reasons. I understand. I guess
you realize in retrospect, the best thing you could have done was
to discuss your insecurities with her. Of course, her
reassurances wouldn't fix your insecurities, but she would know
you better. Then, you would have had to deal internally with your
feelings. I certainly hope you address those issues now! Feelings just are what they are. The good news is that behavior is pretty easy to change. And I am particularly glad you are writing about all these things here because one of the best ways to overcome shame is to stop hiding what you are hiding and let it out! Here are the main issues as I see them:
You need to deal with your feelings, whatever they may be. Now and in the future. My girlfriend Rena took it from me because she loved me. I admit my abuse. I know that there is no excuse. I know you feel awful and guilty about it because you keep bringing up about admitting your abuse and it's inexcusability constantly! I even erased a few! Let's move on. What there is no excuse about is what you did to yourSelf! So please don't compound things by beating yourself up over what you did. You were abusive. You see it. OK, now we go on from here. Let's stop wasting so much energy on self-recrimination because beating yourself up will not help you and will just make you miserable. With Rena, as you identified yourself, you began to pin your bad feelings you had about yourself onto your body, even though Rena accepted the whole of you. Then you went around acting out your displeasure. According to your line of thinking, somebody who is disfigured, too fat, too ugly, too short, too tall, crippled, not-too-bright, etc. is not worthy! According to you, all individuals falling into those categories are not deserving of being loved by another! They are especially not deserving of love if the partner is less "imperfect" than they are! How then would you explain that many very "imperfect" people are indeed loved? You can't! What you do to yourself, which is the real not-OK part, and from which most of the rest of this flows, is to equate your scars with your your worth as a Human Being! You are not your scars! Your body has scars. And while that is unfortunate, it is not your fault and it makes you no less a Human Being that you were before you had them. You still bring the same assets and liabilities to the relationship table. If a woman is looking for Mr. Gorgeous Body, she likely won't look your way. But lucky you, many women will. Understand that your physical imperfection and its concomitant self-hatred is a state of mind. Your state of mind. The good news is that since it is your state of mind, it is yours to change. Understand that even if you do hate yourself for being imperfect/disfigured, the decision to act out over it is a separate issue. So this gives you two separate plans of attack already. But the main thing
you need to work on is your self-acceptance. Then, whatever is
wrong with you doesn't feel so bad. Sure the disfigurement set off an abuse issue, but if the insecurity didn't come out over one issue, it would have come out over another. Key Word: self-acceptance. Look at it this way: if you can accept that you have issues with insecurity, jealousy, etc., you can begin to understand that the only person who views those issues with as much disgust as you do - is you! And you don't have to go there. I began to read more and more and saw that I fit the symptoms and descriptions to a tee. Rena told me I was abusive and now I see it and know it. I really don't want to be that way. I am a gentle man but I hide that side of me with a false bravado. Better to accept that those issues are your Human imperfections and deal with it with humility. Who (outside of most film stars) do you know who is so perfect? Well, Rena left when I was away on a trip. I understand she was doing what was best for her, the safest way out of my abuse. I respect her distance but I feel so sad without her light in my life. Ouchhh! The good news is that she gave you a much-needed wake-up call! And the even better news is that you took her up on it! Good for you!
You may also have
been isolating out of depression or anxiety, both very common
aspects of PTSD. Talk to your doc about this. My verbal abuse problem was never so magnified and clear as it is now. Excellent! Because until you see something clearly, you are helpless to fix it. I am hoping it is not too late. Nope. Not too late. Never too late! I have begun facing my fears head on by seeking professional help again. I had seen a therapist but I stopped going because I was uncomfortable with opening up and facing my fears and insecurities with her. I wish I had said something. I'm glad you said something now! Writing here is a big step in the process of acceptance and de-shaming! Let the demon out of the dark closet - and watch the demon shrink! I'm glad you have a new therapist. The PTSD part kept you from being able to talk about this stuff in the past. That you are dealing with it now is excellent and puts you on the road to recovery. I feel like I really need to open up finally and say what I have been hiding about the accident I was in and how I have felt about myself since then. Yes, yes, YES! I am depressed and anxious. That's understandable and predictable. Just remember, nobody thinks this is as awful as you think it is! Depending on your symptoms, your doc may advise meds. I still have much guilt over the accident and the death of my friends. Of course you do. That's also PTSD, even though the accident wasn't your fault. My ears scream constantly because of the damage done to them from the tremendous explosion. I feel edgy from the constant bombardment of noise. Now Rena is gone and I really feel like I am ready to face what I have been hiding from since the accident. I even began to watch the shows she enjoyed. Wow! You have made a running start in dealing with all these issues! You can certainly thank her for nudging you out of hiding, painful as it is. (And, it's always more painful as long as it's hidden.) Now you can begin to deal with it; to understand that this whole mess is not your fault. That you didn't set out to hurt anybody, that you are simply a Human Being, that you are far from perfect (like every Human), that stuff happens, that mistakes and accidents are part of life, and that the best we can do is learn from the past and get on with Life. Because Life is too short for so much pain... Sadly, all the things I said
about them were untrue and I have found myself enjoying them, and
cried at the fact that I was so insecure about them and
controlled Rena. That's OK. All of this is
part of the recovery process. You are letting your feelings out.
Good for you. I am not saying I have fixed the problem by
identifying a reason why I verbally controlled her. I am so
ashamed of myself because I am a grown man and I have acted so
immaturely. And next you can go onto the
stuff about accepting that you are a grown man who can act
immaturely at times. She said she is done hearing my negativity and finished with my controlling words. Good for her! Can you tell me if I can change? You have already begun to change. That is very evident from your writing. Can a verbal abuser wake up and see what they are doing and permanently change for the better? Yes. I hear around 20 or 30% just "change." Some help is really preferable though, especially because of the PSTD. I really have to because I know I will never have a love like Rena's again if I don't. People can be verbally abusive for a large number of reasons. Some people need to learn assertion skills. Some need to learn anger management. Some need to deal with an underlying disorder like anxiety, depression, and certainly PTSD. That you have so many of these issues is good prognostically because much of this is fixable. The people who have the most difficult prognoses are those with underlying character disorders like narcissism and sociopathy who see no need to change. They think they don't really do anything wrong, or resentfully agree to change to keep the partner. So, it's hard for me to answer your question because I don't know enough about you. But I find what you are talking about very encouraging. When I met Rena, I knew after a short time that she was the one for me. I had found what I couldn't find in others before. I felt so lucky. I felt so in love. She was so pretty to me. And, apparently, you were "pretty" to her! Don't ever forget that again! She is so vibrant and independent. She has a way about her that was is so warm and sincere. She always sees the good side of everyone and everything. I was proud to be with her. She always has positive things to say. Rena has a dignity about herself that I admire deeply. She accepted me with my scars. She was so trusting. She understood what I told her about my feelings about my body. I found the woman I hoped for in my life. I dreamed that we would have children who would grow up just like her. I now see I have destroyed what I had and am so sad. I was so wrong. OK, now you know better. That's excellent! I was so selfish. I didn't show her the love I really have for her. I put my ego before Rena and I. I hope that she can remember the gentler side of me Become that person again; accept your body instead of the mean abusive man that I showed her and one day give me a chance to show her again that I really know how wrong I was and that I have so much better in me than what I have given her. Please tell me that there are people that have realized what they had done and really changed. Yes, some abusive people can really change. I am going to be one of those guys. Yeah! I have to be. Mark. Mark, it's those people like yourself, who would rather die than stay the way they are who are most likely to change. Just keep at it: one day at a time and one foot in front of the other. Expect icky days, they are part of the process, including those days when you just want to scream! And then keep going. The trick is to stay with it, no matter how frustrating it seems. And if you give up for a day, go back the next. Do whatever it takes. That is how to get success. And, I'm glad you are getting professional help. Guidance is invaluable!
I'll be back next week
to reply to your comments, so feel free to post. God bless you
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