Comments for
B1: Submit
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000
I agree Dr. Irene, about not getting stuck in rage and it takes 2 to
tango when it comes to abuse. A lot of support victims give each other
is rooted in the rage and also the desire to not have anyone (known to
them and unknown to them) feel and experience what they have. I
currently post on a different website where the women are supportive of
one another, but there is an underlying, "working towards getting
the strength to LEAVE". While it is nice to support, if you do not
fix what got you there in the first place, YOU WILL REPEAT this pattern
over and over again. I see myself a codependent victim survivor who was
given the "best" training by a very alcoholic controlling,
sexist, racist father and a codependent, low self esteem mother. I
realize I am programmed to be an overachieving ambitious woman who also
happens to be very good at picking broken men to fix. I have been in
therapy for 8 months now, reading CoDependent
No More, Patricia
Evans books.
What I have realized through all this is MY part in the pattern, and
if I don't "rewire" myself I will repeat this pattern and live
my parents marriage again and again. I have learned to take
responsibility for MY actions and not allow MY boundaries to be crossed.
I try to focus my anger and rage at my STBX (he is fighting the
divorce every step of the way) to do work harder on myself. I honor the
anger, but also realize I must get past it for my future. While I would
like to have things work out for my marriage, I know it cannot happen. I
had started enforcing my boundaries in Dec and was ready to file for
divorce in March of 00, he then entered individual therapy and
medication. About 2 months after that his behaviors started to return,
though my more subtly. I kept my boundaries firm and things started to
escalate with him, then the denial of the abuse started, both previous
and current. I had hoped we could work on this, but if you both don't
want to work on it, it cannot happen. After talking with his ex-fiancé
who was with him 5 years, it appears this is a pattern for him. Even now
while telling mutual friends how much he loves me, he also tell them his
attorney to "go for blood and nail me to the wall". Friends
are baffled by that one too.
If in a relationship BOTH partners truly are working on themselves to
fix their problem, then they should be supported. Perhaps too often, the
abuser will use the counseling as yet another controlling tool, as mine
really tried to, to keep their victim in place. Yes;
you've got to expect that since that is what many angry people do. But,
that's OK. That's part of what the therapist needs to work with the
person on. I think this totally highlights the need for couples
to find a counselor who is TRAINED in abuse, since ignorance of this
issue causes so much damage to those involved. Yes.
Thank you again Dr. Irene for this site, you have really helped
my find my balance between blaming and sticking in the anger or using
this a fantastic learning opportunity.
Karen Thank you Karen!

B1: Submit
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000
What the man who wrote this letter doesn't' seem to understand is
that generally, when you see the "50" posts encouraging a
woman to leave, it's after her first original post described awful,
awful abuse. I mean, the woman has two choices right? Either continue to
take the abuse (because generally, like most victims, the woman has been
trying to tell her husband that he's abusive) or to leave. She is
looking for strength to leave. That strength should come from herself,
but it doesn't help to have the validation of other people cheering you
on. As for the original letter writer's boundary statement "This
ends here and now, etc." I'm sorry, but I have a hard time
believing abusers would've changed had they heard this one thing. Of course they wouldn' I non-angrily
pointed out. I know I gave my abuser a message just like that
many times! My problem is that I didn't enforce my boundaries by
leaving. So if I got on here, described the boundary I set, the girls
cheered me on, and I left, I would be doing something wrong, as would my
cheerleaders? I'm confused as to what the writer of the letter wants. He's highlighting the problem many angry types have on
the site: he feels attacked. He is, I think, accurately
responding to the underlying anger in the posts. I published his letter
because I see same and think victim types need some awareness in this
area - for the sake of their own empowerment! In order for
boundaries to be effective, you have to enforce them. Nothing wrong with
finding some validation to enforce your boundaries that an abuser has
chosen to violate. (except again that I guess a person shouldn't NEED
validation to make these choices.) -SatokoGirl, a non-stuck in rage
recovery girl still with her trying-to-be-not-stuck-in-rage recovery boy

B1: Submit
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000
Little correction: I am also a *trying*-not-to-be-stuck-in-rage
recovery girl. I wasn't trying to say that my bf is doing a worse job of
not being stuck in rage than I am- we both fall into that trap sometimes
but we're both getting much better. Thanks. -SatokoGirl And you'll be even better when you understand the
message here. Keep up the good work!

B1: Submit
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000
Yes! I understand! In fact, during a calm discussion the other day, I
acknowledged my responsibility for the state of our marriage (I came
into it with a lot of erroneous beliefs about myself AND relationships,
and I did not have to where-with-all to set boundaries early on) and
told him that my being in therapy, reading good material on codependency
and boundaries, and developing respect for myself, was my way of taking
care of my "stuff." It's hard, but I am sincerely working on
myself. Good!
His response? "You're not taking responsibility! Acknowledging
and taking responsibility are two different things!"
Great Balls of Fire! I just told him I took responsibility for my
part in this! I am working to FIX my part in this! He's
projecting his perfectionism on you. Don't go there; don't engage.
I have told my husband that his behavior hurts me--he says EVERYTHING
hurts me! I have withdrawn, stayed out of his way, quit
"doing" for him--it doesn't influence him to change, at least
not very much. He just usually accuses me of not being a good wife! If
and when I do leave (and I am taking steps in that direction, little by
little), he HAS had fair warning!
Anger can be a great motivator, but it is important to not get stuck
there, because then, we can't move on. I do get very angry at times (at
BOTH of us), but mostly, I am full of grief. And I, too, am bothered by
advice that seems fueled by anger. It's useless to tell a woman
"Get out! Leave the sorry SOB!" If she isn't ready, for
whatever reasons, that doesn't help her. In fact, it could cause her to
feel even more inadequate, i.e. "This other person is so much
stronger than I am, so much more "together" because she just
walked out. I'm such a loser because I can't do that!"
You mentioned fantasies about the abuser being dead. I understand
that, but I don't indulge in it. I realize that what he gives is what he
will receive someday, and that every hurtful thing he does to me, or
anyone else, will come back on him eventually. It's a divine law that
applies to us all. Thank you Becky.

B1: Submit
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000
It takes time to heal, to look after yourself, before you can see
that it takes two to allow the abuse. I went on blaming my ex partner
for 4 years, for all the abuse he put me through. I finally realized
that it took me, to allow him to do what he did. Now,
that's empowerment!
I think, and hope, that now, I can go on to another relationship and
not allow any abuse. I will be able to say no, to that treatment. It is
not easy to look yourself in the face, and say: You did it to yourself.
I like myself now. I do not deserve to be treated that way. Yes, some
abusers will not get the message, and keep abusing. Hopefully, there are
some that do. Many get the message, but once you
have the message, it takes time to learn how to stop abusing. Just like
when you learned about boundaries: at first, even though you understood
the concept, you couldn't put it into effect; it takes time and practice
to pick up and perfect the requisite skills.
It is very hard to love someone, and see the relationship go to the
deep end, and there is no solution. Now, I realize that my partner has
many problems also. As much as I was the one trying to solve all his
problems, I now realize it was an impossible task. I sometimes wonder if
I am not too broken for anyone else... I have suffered much
rejection in the past 4 yrs. It makes me see that there are many people
out there who need to control others. They are not for me. I do not want
to control anymore, neither do I want to be controlled. Hang in there,
you who are being abused. Men or women. Learn to love, respect and
accept yourselves for who you are. Those are big steps that helped me,
and still do. moon Well, Moon, one thing's for
sure: you are a heck of a lot healthier now. And getting better all the

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
Dr. Irene, I am working on not getting stuck in rage now that I
finally understand that I have been verbally abused for 22 years. I
didn't know the name for it, as it felt normal to me. It was a crazy
place to be in. I am in therapy and getting the support and help I need.
My abuser husband has realized his abuse and is in therapy and wants to
find and explore why he does this as his own self-esteem is very low. We
read our daily meditations together and share what we choose to from our
journal writings, (If we want and decide to). The abuse has slips but he
recognizes them now and knows this is HIS stuff and is working on HIS
OWN recovery, I on the other hand am working on mine. Yippeee! My focus is also on my personal
emotional safety while I am busy becoming the best I can become. Good. Taking care of yourself must be your very first
priority, always. Whatever will be will be, I have a one day at a
time attitude, and while we are on a journey to personal growth
together, we are also VERY separate and personal. I CANNOT get stuck in
rage but don't get me wrong, when you finally wake up it is amazing the
depth of the rage you feel. I know! That's why I
have to print stuff like this out! I have to keep the focus on me
, I'm not perfect at it but I'm getting there. I love your site and pray
for victims and abusers everywhere daily..Peace and love. Sue :) Keep up the excellent work Sue.

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
YES I do understand and I also now understand how I took the dance
steps too. Although for a year now I've tried not to dance the steps. I
did get angry for a time but once I visited Dr Irene's site I STOPPED. I
read and tried to learn everything I could.
I told my abuser (I never called him this) that things were wrong he
had control issues, but he already knew, he'd knew for years, he knew he
had a bad temper, he knew he dealt with his anger badly. He was offered
help but refused it. He told the person who offered it that he thought
being aggressive was a male thing and without it he wouldn't be a man.
I was a doormat, I was a people pleaser, I did play my part well,
though as soon as I realized I tried so hard to tell my abuser, I was
not going to dance anymore.
Do you know what happened? The more I said "No" to the
abuse the more intense it got. My abuser stopped breaking pots, though
he didn't stop putting me down every step of the way. He humiliated me
and told me I was wrong all the time.
I didn't listen for the some part but some of it went in. His family
said I was too sensitive and ungrateful.
I compromised so much that I never got anything I wanted.
Though I don't blame my abuser. I even told him everything that was
wrong and for the first time admitted my problems. He promised we could
sort things out, but for seven days whilst we were trying to sort
things, he accused me of wanting a perfect partnership. I said no I just
want to be able to agree to disagree or to compromise if its a big
I don't want you to call me nasty names just because I don't agree
with your opinion. This is not healthy, and its not perfect either.
I just want respect. Do you know what he said in reply to this: we
are incompatible. (Isn't everyone isn't this why we need to compromise
or if its a small thing just accept that we are different and beg to
differ) He said he's had enough of me. He wants to leave. Wow! He's in big-time denial. Too bad he has the support
of a family that supports illness.
Problem is I was already leaving because I know that he thinks I am
the problem, he told me I am. He told me I should be careful because I
am false (I am or at least I was, I tried to pretend to those outside
that everything was fine for along time) so YES I am guilty of that. He
told me I am sensitive (Who wouldn't be if they were being attacked all
the time) YES I am guilty of that. I don't appreciate him (NO, not for
the nasty things he does but I do thank him for the good things about
him, and yes there are things that are good about him even now!!!) Yes I
am guilty for that. How wonderful that you are not
defensive! Excellent! You own your stuff...
I realized its not people pleasing that's wrong, its people pleasing
without also people pleasing yourself, doing things and asking for
things for yourself. I like the way you word that.
I realize that we are different, I realize I am further in recovery
and he is in denial and blaming me for everything.
It was only when I finally accepted my part in all of this that I
started to recover. I don't blame my partner. I do pity him because I
know myself how soul destroying denial is. Yes.
I am not better than him; maybe a little wiser because of all the
reading and help I've received. Maybe a lot wiser.
I am going to go it alone; why? because its the only way he'll ever
realize that he played a role as well as me. Then maybe he can't sort it
It makes me sad but I had to admit that it was the potential I was so
in love with and YES I did love some things about him, but I also hated
much more of the abusive things he did. It is not
unusual for a victim, who knows no better, to sell out and fall for the
dream / what may be. Good for you for seeing all this.
I just hope one day he can be saved also.
Though now I know its not up to me or my problem.
Thanks so much Dr Irene for helping me wake up. You
did it kiddo. The right stuff is out there for the taking. YOU sought it
out; YOU applied it appropriate. God bless you and yours.
Take care Theressa

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
I guess I am atypical. I never experienced rage. When the first
started was when I had the most overt anger. As it progressed, I became
depressed. I just got more and more depressed and I am still depressed
months after we split up. It seems to me the guy who wrote in is a real
complainer with twisted logic. Even after his marriage is over, instead
of exhibiting any empathy for his abused wife, he complains that the
marriage would have been saved if only she knew the the right words to
say to set boundaries! That's not accurate. I
edited out much of the other material. Overall, I read his note as
understanding why his wife left, but he is taking this space to express
his frustration and rage in an appropriate way. I don't have a problem
with that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. A case where an
abusive person who is feeling hurt can't deal with his feelings, so he
turns it into a complaint against someone else. Even
in this edited version, I can't see that, though I know what you're
getting at. What you are seeing expressed is big-time frustration. I
think you are too angry to see that; rageful even... Several
things he said bother me, and another one is that he implies that
because the abuse typically has been going on for years, the victims
shouldn't try to get Out??? Something I find very interesting is that
this guy does not mention his wife's rage or even anger at all, and yet
here we are being invited to talk about being stuck in rage. Am I the
only one who is not stuck in rage - in fact I never got there? You are stuck, I think. That puts you in the majority.
Most victims waking up spend at least some time in rage. Hard not too.
Take a look; you need to recognize the anger in your words, otherwise
you are likely to get stuck! The purpose of this board is to educate you
that rage should be a transient place; that you should aim to make it
such rather than seeing rage as an end point.

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
Dr Irene,
You say in one of the posts that just because an abuser knows he is
playing a role doesn't mean he can immediately change. RIGHT?? Right.
Depending on the skills required for change.
I know how long it has taken me to get comfortable with the fact that
I played a part and understand it will take my abuser along time to see
his role, if he ever does.
This is why I think that leaving is the only option because when I go
to counseling (Start 21st Aug) and start to get healthy, maybe he will
see that YES I did play a role, and so did he.
Is it possible for someone who is an abuser to see this once you've
left. That's usually when they wake up,
I plan to keep on being responsible for myself and using all the
skills I've learned. In the hopes that as our child's parents, I can
show him, her father, we can compromise.
DR IRENE my question to you is after all the abuse, how can one hear
criticism which maybe constructive without feeling attacked?? You can't early on. The best you can do early on is to not
react behaviorally to feeling attacked ("do nothing"). To
be able to tell the difference between when you are and are not being
attacked takes a little more work: you have to sift through the old,
destructive tapes you play in your head when someone pushes your
buttons. This takes time. Counseling will help; I'm glad you're
Is it when you fully have your self esteem back and you can look at
mistakes from an objective point?? As you regain
your esteem and integrity, you have more "stuff." You better
internalize the fact that just because a person has a negative opinion
of you, their opinion does not make you more negative. They simply hold
an opinion - that without being defensive, you may or may not agree
with. If you agree that there is truth to their negative evaluation, you
are not crushed by the realization because you already know you're not
perfect (but love yourself anyway!). In other words, another person's
opinion is less likely to affect your self esteem one way or the other.
Thanks very much, I hope you answer these questions. Theressa

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
Dear Atypical:
A few comments on your post. How exactly is "overt anger"
different from rage? Did you ever have feelings of glee or gloating
during this time that you were finally free of your abuser? Where you
happy to share that feeling with your ex or others? Also, while it is
undisputed that women should leave an abusive relationship, do you feel
like they have any responsibility in the break up, especially if the
abuse went on for years, and if they left the relationship emotionally
and didn't inform the spouse? Perhaps they could or should have left
immediately when they still had feelings for their spouse.
There is no advocate in our society for staying together, or getting
back together, but a lot of support and advice of how to get on with
your life once the damage is done. That's not
true. Religious institutions, even political institutions support the
unity of the family. Perhaps different ways of saying stop the
abuse don't work and leaving is the only alternative. The original post
was a very short letter. It didn't say anything one way or the other
about the wife's anger. Maybe she was in fact angry as hell! Also, many
men who are rejected by their spouses are extremely confused and this
does indeed result in "twisted logic". Ooops! You are angry with her! But, she didn't do
anything to you, though her words pushed some buttons... Why give her so
much power?

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
Well, his email made me VERY mad. Why? Why give
him so much power? Do you see gang, there is a difference between not
liking a viewpoint and getting worked up over it. If you find yourself
getting worked up, that's your cue that you've got a little work to do.
Figure out what baggage you are towing around that sets you off. And
dump it. It's hard not to think that his wife DID TRY on numerous
occasions to inform him of the effect of his behavior. It sounds like
again, he is blaming her for the relationship not working out. While
this guy sounds like a creep to me, Ouchhh...
I do give him credit not only writing to the site (he did come here
after all), but for also highlighting that women need to do a 'better'
job of communicating with men. That's not to say that we don't TRY OUR
HARDEST, but that perhaps men need specific words told to them and
specific limits set. While she may have made every effort to do this in
her way, perhaps it was not what would have worked best for him. In that
regard, hitting him w/ a 2x4 upside the head may not have worked either.
This person needs to accept responsibility for their own behavior and be
the strong man they consider themselves to be. Each
and every person tries their hardest, but it's impossible to know
what - for whatever reason - you don't know! Your energy is better spent
improving yourself than analyzing the weaknesses of others. It will keep
your blood pressure lower.

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
Hi Everyone,
I understand that we victims shouldn't get stuck in rage, that it's
not a good place, that we're compromising our integrity, etc.. I take
full responsibility for allowing myself to be abused in the past (and
yes, my relationship is ancient history). Keep in mind that many of us
victims allowed ourselves to be "not allowed" to be mad, (we
suppressed our anger because if we got mad, they got madder) so it's
kind of a new emotion and we have to learn to adjust the barometer
appropriately. You bet! Parenthetically, anger is
a "new emotion" for angry types too. Anger is a signal that
something is wrong; that's all. It takes skill to learn to listen to
it's message and use that message constructively.
However, (just a question) because I still insist that abusers take
their own responsibility me too! - is there
a level of typical abuser behavior in this initial post where the author
is perceiving our victim support as a personal "attack" and
has effectively shifted blame back to us victims? I
think you are way off base and trying to force a round peg in an oval
hole. The overwhelming emotion in the writer's note is frustration. He
says the why, why, why stuff in sheer frustration.
Forcing us to self- analyze? "Forcing"
you? Are we stuck in rage or just being firm? You are stuck at least in anger, if not in rage. Tip:
There is a problem when you misinterpret emotion as you did here. You
are so preoccupied with blame shift and being forced, you
"see" it even where it doesn't exist or is peripheral to the
topic. Your vision is limited because you can't tell the difference
between when someone really is angry and attacking and when they are
something else. I'm interested in learning - what's the
difference? Being firm is simply not allowing
yourself to be hurt; and you should not allow yourself to be hurt. Rage
/ anger stuckedness is when you throw in the added dimension of anger to
the firmness. In other words, the goal is to be firm without being
angry. Apples and oranges...
If the house is on fire and we tell the victim to GET OUT, are we
being mean to the fire? Poor analogy for this. GET
OUT can be firm and effective. GET OUT from you stinking, lousy
&(%I$ fire adds nothing and detracts from your integrity. Or
is the fire just hazardous? Should we be not mean to the fire and let
the thick-headed victim burn? Do you see how you
went askew on this one?
are abused just as women...I've expressed the same support to both...
and it does takes two to tango - but here's the catch: victim
responsibility (our side of the tango) is in ACCEPTING blame and abuse
rather than getting out... Right. You need
to learn never, ever to accept blame and abuse. but often in the
abuser's eyes the victim's side of the tango is that you are the
"cause" of the initial problem. Garbage.
We know that. So, if the abuser wants to think it's the victim's fault,
what do you care? Let him or think the moon is made of green cheese for
all you care. All you are interested in is getting away from abuse. No
thank you fire! All the time. This is the ultimate dilemma that
we face. It is only a dilemma if you are hell bent
on changing the other person's opinion/mind/thinking. Now who is trying
to control?
We intuitively know we have some level of responsibility...but their
perception of our responsibility is different than what it really is. Their perception of your responsibility doesn't
matter... Your perception of your responsibility does; this is your
power! I guess it's just that we victims in recovery need a
brick wall to fall on top of our heads to "get it". So we drop
the brick wall on our victim peers...we don't want to see them go
through what we went through. And guess what, much of the time it works
in helping our peers to recognize abuse, so I feel good about that. You feel vindicated and supported in your anger. That
makes your ego feel good. It does nothing for your integrity.
Think about it...
Hot topic, LHW

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
To PJM From Atypical - No I never felt any glee at any time after the
abuse started. I suppose I am atypical because he is the one who left -
much easier to start a new relationship then to stop being abusive.
After all, why face the fact that you've been behaving horribly when you
can easily pretend otherwise to someone who barely knows you? I maintain
that the guy who wrote in has a bad attitude. Complaining about
"Why I don't like recovering victims" doesn't seem like much
of a way to grow up and stop being an abuser..... Atypical:
you are trying to change the opinion/mind/whatever of the writer. You
are getting all worked up that you don't like his position. Why? You
don't have to like his position. Simply don't make it your position.
It's not worth your energy to fret over this other person. Accept what
is and change that within you that you can change (like your need to
change him.) Am I making sense? You'll be happier.
This is a great thread; but it's getting late.
Thanks for all the wonderful and provocative posts. I'll be back...
Dr. Irene

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
Just a few thoughts, based on my experience: (1) The letter says,
"they almost uniformly admit that this bad behavior had been going
on for years." In my case, it took a therapist handing me the first
Patricia Evans book to get me to REALIZE that it had been going on. At
that point I KNEW I HAD BEEN ABUSED, but although it was brought up in
therapy, neither my husband or our therapist believed it. (Sad, but
common.) I was angry, but felt I shouldn't be angry--after all, look at
all his problems. I spent a lot of time trying to "get past my
anger." That's why you are so angry now; you
denied your very real and very appropriate anger for so long. You are
now learning to use anger as a signal, which is all it is - as opposed
as a vehicle of expressing frustration, which is what you've
hated about your abusive partner! In other words, everybody's goal is to
talk about your frustration rather than act it out; to talk
about specifically what angers you - and not put up with any abuse at
all - whether your partner hears you or not.
(2) My husband has never really admitted that he has been abusive.
(He can't admit ANY mistakes of any type.) However, he switched from
overtly verbally abusive to passively aggressive crazy-making
controlling when he found out I wouldn't tolerate the verbal abuse
anymore. Unfortunately, this is typical. I
was back at point 1--being abused, but not recognizing it. Feeling bad,
not knowing why. After all, the abuse had stopped, right? Nope. Someone (with a capital "S")
placed the 2nd
Patricia Evans book in front of me on the sale table at the
bookstore, and my hand reached for it while my mind said, "You
aren't being verbally abused anymore." SURPRISE! Wow! Angry all
over again!
(3) I began reading
about boundaries and trying to change myself. At this point, I
wasn't strong enough to really try to set boundaries, but I started
focusing on me--not him. (Having a therapist point out that I was still
trying to change him or expect change helped.) The anger turned into
(4) Somehow, over the past few months, I've become detached from it
all. I may feel annoyed with my husband's behavior, but I realize that
he is the way he is, and that I have choices, so if I'm going to be
angry at someone, I have to include myself. I don't want to be angry at
me, and I don't want to be angry at him. Most of the time I accomplish
that. I think that the prayer is actually starting to get answered: I am
now accepting the things I cannot change (him), changing the things I
can (myself), and gaining the wisdom to know the difference. It's sad
when I finally see that yes, I can't change everything--I'll never have
a marriage that involves partnership and compromise. Everything has to
be his way. I'll never get respect, or have my needs acknowledged, let
alone met. He can't do it or has no reason to do
it since you accept where he is.
(5) Someday soon, when I get all my ducks in a row (gather all the
paperwork, get legal advice, etc.) I'll drop the bombshell, or sandbag,
or whatever. It is only going to be a surprise because for the past two
years my husband has basically been sticking his fingers in his ears,
the way little kids do when they don't want to hear what a parent has to
say. He doesn't want to hear anything that will damage his fragile
self-esteem or upset the world he has created--the one in which I am to
blame for all of his problems. The victims who aren't afraid to speak up
about abuse often find that the abuser denies that it's going on or
blames the victim--then is surprised by her leaving. Yes. Very correct.
Yes, I emotionally left the relationship long ago. How many times do
you let the guy in front of you in line step back and step on your toe
before you move back to a safe distance? Emotionally leaving the
relationship seems to me to be healthier than being co-dependently
involved with an abuser. Yes. At least you are not
engaging. Although my husband did complain about my not being
"affectionate" (and meet his needs in my usual co-dependent
way) he didn't see that as a wake-up call to change. He doesn't see
ANYTHING as a wake-up call to change because that would mean admitting
that he's not perfect. Which, ironically, is
exactly what he must do in order to adopt a healthier direction.
It takes too much energy to live with someone who is trying to tear
you down, however subtly. Remember the old Star Treks, where they had to
put up the force shield? Well, living like that is tiring, and I'm not
willing to do it any more. I now trust myself, and Creation enough to
believe that I can make it through whatever unpleasant things happen
(and I know that things will hit the fan when I file) and I will come
out on the other side a better, stronger, person. And
that may be when he wakes up.
P.S. It strikes me as I look back at this that this is like the
stages people go through when faced with illness or death: denial,
anger, bargaining, (is there another one? Yes.
Can't remember it either...) and finally acceptance. I am finally
at acceptance (although I sometimes re-visit the other stages for a few
minutes). That's OK. I think I HAD to focus
on the past for a while and get angry enough to get the strength to
change. The anger was around for a long time, but it just isn't here
anymore. I didn't work on getting rid of it--I just switched from
focusing on the past to focusing on the present and the future and on
what I COULD change. You grew healthier. Good for

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
In some ways I understand what this person is saying. I never
understood I was being abused. My situation was not one of verbal abuse
but of manipulation, control, and total self centeredness of my spouse. That is abuse! He told me he loved me and was
physically affectionate, but didn't like my family and friends, couldn't
handle an opinion that was not the same as his. He thought he was a good
husband because he didn't run around, drink or do drugs. I just shut
down, I didn't express opinions, I didn't disagree with him. When I did
get angry I felt guilty and couldn't talk with him about it. By the time
I became aware that I was emotionally abused, I had had an affair and
was not interested in trying to save my marriage. I never said the word
"abuse" to my ex-husband, never felt strong enough to. But I
filed for a divorce, struggled for a year to get custody of my children,
fought in court. But I never talked to him about emotional abuse.
I feel guilty about that and I also wonder why I couldn't. My guess is that had you uttered those words, even if
you felt them to be true, you knew you were totally unable to defend
yourself. So, I think, you decided just not to bother. Which is OK.
I also am confused about my anger. I can't seem to feel anger toward
him. He took advantage of me our whole marriage. He has done and said,
in court, some terrible lies about me and I always seem to find excuses
for him. I don't understand and I guess I am concerned that maybe I
still can't admit my feelings. Or, feel guilty
about having them. Don't. Anyway mainly I wanted to say that I
wish I could have been strong enough to understand my situation when
there was still some desire on my part to make it work. I'm sure my ex
husband feels he was never given a chance. After 20 years of marriage I
just said I wanted a divorce and never tried to make it work.
Still Guilty Please stop. Sometimes there is
just too much water under the bridge. If you know it will be futile to
try to defend yourself, you simply get out - in any way you can. You did
the best you could; some partner's are just too strong or argumentative
to argue against.

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
You wrote of the abuser, "Their perception of our responsibility
is different than what it really is." If you read my earlier post,
you'll see what I think is an example of this. I acknowledged to my
husband my responsibility in our problems, and I am actively working on
myself, trying to fix the "holes" in me. His response was that
I am NOT taking responsibility.
I can't help but feel that his idea of my responsibility is that I
have CAUSED him to feel all of the bad things that he feels; therefore,
if he attacks me, he is only defending himself. Yuk.
(He says that this is what he is doing, i.e., "When I feel
attacked, I will defend myself!" Problem is, my very existence
seems to be an attack at times!) I would be "taking
responsibility" if I would admit that my failure as a wife is the
cause of our problems. YUK! That's not taking
responsibility; that's taking the blame! Now you're down the wrong path.
He has said that if I would be "different," he wouldn't
say such hateful things. Garbage. He's not taking
responsibility for his actions. And you can be sure that by
"different," he DOES NOT mean more assertive about enforcing
boundaries! I hear you. You can do whatever you
do. You can be positively awful. That's your problem. Your awful
behavior does not give him license to behave poorly. Now both of you
have problems.
In response to my description of this scenario, Dr. Irene said,
"He is projecting his perfectionism onto you." Does this mean
that nothing I do is good enough; therefore he will not accept what I am
doing as "taking responsibility?" If so, that's no big
Any ideas as to what she means? Yes.
"She" (i.e., me) means that he has unrealistic expectations
about how a partner, a husband or a wife, should perform. His impossible
expectations define what he expects of himself and what he wants from
you - which is perfect (perfectly impossible, to be more accurate).
Instead of accepting the goodies that you do give, he focuses on
the aspects of perfection he expects that you do not give.
He feels cheated because he has gone out of his way to give you the
things he thinks he should give you (whether you want them or not).
Unfortunately, he never questions the rational basis of his
expectations. Nor does he question whether or not he has the right to
expect what he expects! He gives blood whether you want it or not. In
exchange, he expects you to bend in the direction he dictates.
Who appointed him God? He is out of line and crossing your boundaries.
You have absolutely no obligation to behave according to his
expectations, no matter how much he chooses to give you - whether you
want it or not.

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
LHW- You articulated more clearly what I was trying to communicate in
my early post. Also, Dr. Irene seemed to imply that I was responding
angrily- huh? I do not LIKE the original letter but I feel that my reply
was calm and non-angry- I was seeking serious clarification as to what
the letter-writer really wants! I was also explaining my point of view.
I don't know if that qualifies as being defensive and that's why it
appeared I was angry, but at that time I don't feel that I was. I interpreted anger because you imposed stuff on the
writer; you put words in his mouth. Also, isn't interpreting
natural, healthy anger as an attack a very abusive state of mind? You missed the point and confused frustration with
blaming.. I've been told over and over that I must accept my BF's
non-abusive anger, but in some cases, recovering abusers still cannot
tolerate any anger at them, and will interpret that as an attack. Well, they've got to get over that.
It seems like the original letter writer is wanting victims to stop
ALL forms of anger. I don't read that at all. Is
that abusive behavior? You are off on a tangent.
Both victim-types and abusive-types need to learn how to express healthy
anger without being stuck in blame, but also need to learn how to deal
with other people's anger appropriately. Yes.
Feeling attacked by other people's justified anger doesn't seem to
fit that model to me. The only one who created
your feeling of being attacked - was YOU. As for the rage stage
and being stuck in blame and all that, I really feel that I went through
that stage, big time. I also feel that a few months ago, I woke up and
am now taking responsibility and doing what I can to act with personal
integrity, but I feel there is a difference between being a shrieking
stuck-in-rage victim and still (non-angrily, or at least non-acting out
angrily) point out what seems to be abusive behavior. I don't doubt that you are taking more responsibility,
but you are not entirely there yet. (Which is OK.) You put words in the
writer's mouth that didn't exist. You did not see his post for what it
was: sheer frustration and anger at being ganged up on.
(In this case, the behavior of the original letter writer.) Can
I say "to me he seems like whatever" without being a
stuck-in-rage angry victim? Yes. But in this case,
you misread his letter by inserting your own stuff... Also, for
the record, it was "The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing The
Patterns of Intimate Relationships" Good book. that broke through the blame stage for
me and encouraged me to take responsibility. I highly recommend it.
-Satokogirl, finding this subject interesting and really doesn't THINK
she's angry right now... :)

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
For Atypical: I was guessing your partner had left you, rather than
the other way round. I'll make another wild guess: it could be the
reason you never got stuck in rage is that you haven't gotten as far as
rage... *yet*.
OK, you're angry now, so maybe you're there. Besides, all that
depression was only anger turned inwards. Now you're turning some of it
Curiously, you could be in the same position as the original writer,
only on the other side of the fence. He's asking why victims can't be
"fair" and avoid blindsiding their abusers. But if victims
knew enough to do that, they wouldn't be victims in the first place. :) Sad as it is, that ain't the way the
universe works, and he's going to have to get past railing at the
universe. You're asking why the writer didn't display more empathy for
his wife. But if he'd been as empathetic as all that, he wouldn't have
been an abuser in the first place. There is
empathy towards the wife; evident in other correspondence.
It's also possible to see depression as a way of trying to attract
back a partner who's left. But that's a futile hope if he doesn't have
much empathy toward your depression, and an enormously frustrating one
for you. So at least you're better off being angry right now.
There are concerns that others might help with. If there were more
publicity about abuse phenomena, more victims and abusers might get help
earlier, or avoid passing the bug to their kids. It would also be nice
to see a higher percentage of success stories here about handling
abusers. Write in Recovering Victims! Then
again, as the original writer would say, it may also be too late by the
time many victims find the board, so there is a majority that's already
near the "leaving" stage. Other helpful things would include
equal participation by male victims (to correct the writer's perception
of a "conspiracy") I'd love that; just
fewer men identify their victim status and log on than do women.,
and more discussion of a "victim's" own role: "How I
interact with my partner." Oh, I'd really
love that! Victims willing to take responsibility for their part in the
dance are invited to let me know! None of that, unfortunately,
seems to be the way the universe works either.
Still, while I deplore with PJM our lack of advocates for staying
together, it isn't true that we have none. Right.
In fact, although this isn't aimed at abusive relationships, one such
advocate addresses the precise concern of the original writer here:
- Gordon Thanks Gordon. Weiner-Davis' book, Divorcebusting
is excellent.

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
I've been visiting this site for many, many months, always hoping to
find more insights into both abusers and victims. That's
exactly what I hope to accomplish here.
This letter, and Dr. Irene's responses, really summarize so many
messages, so very, very well.
My situation was at work, which is a big reason why I've refrained
till now, from ever submitting a post. I'm out of the abusive situation
now, have been for many months, but still have quite a bit of guilt and
shame. Almost 100% of the people in the project I was part of have left
the project, including the boss, all in less than 24 months time. An
incredible waste. I'm sorry... But please, do all
you can to drop the guilt and shame. Useless, destructive emotions for
non-sociopathic types.
What strikes me as I read the dialogue here between the writer and
Dr. Irene, and many previous messages, are the following:
- The victim and abuser do really seem to have different realities; I
can't come up with a better explanation than the one that Patricia Evans
discusses in her books (I've read them both, and they were a lifeline
for me for a period of time; I'm so grateful to her). Book
1; Book
I would very much like to see more abusers write because I would very
much like to be able to understand them more. Yes! Abusers are a very
misunderstood group. Other than a few really
malicious souls, most abusers are simply narcissistic types who know no
other way to feel OK about themselves. They are misguided. Just like
victims, who think they can provide comfort for the abuser, are
- Regarding victims: Dr. Irene, you hit the nail on the head when you
wrote this:
"You cheer it when you've had it after trying and trying and
trying - cuz you are so, so, so ANGRY! And you finally feel validated...
And, you are too fresh in your own recovery to take responsibility for
your own anger, or your past inability to stop the abuse - because you
didn't even know it was abuse - any more than the typical
non-sociopathic abuser thought he/she were doling out abuse!" This is true. Both are doing the very best they can.
- Why do victims stay? Let me tell you why I did, and it's taken me
many, many months to find these words:
- I needed to feel accepted - I needed to feel I belonged somewhere -
It felt good to think I was contributing. - It felt good to think I was
making a difference. Yes... He needed you.
- When my boss "got ugly", for a long time, I attributed it
to the stress of the job. (Codependent making
excuses for other rather than focusing on the pain that is being
inflicted.) He pushed himself terribly hard, we were badly
understaffed. But as time whet on, well, I think what happened was I
developed one HUMONGOUS case of denial. He was very talented, I came to
respect and admire him. I think this was also why it took so long for me
to break through the denial. Yes. You looked to
him for validation, appreciation, esteem supplies, etc.
- The first 4 things I listed above, were very, very, important to
me. I did not want to give them up. So I hung on to hope, hoping he
would get better, I guess, and I hung on, and hung on. Hope is the last
thing I held on to. And once in a blue moon, hope
works out.
I think the need to feel accepted and the need to feel I belonged go
way back to my own childhood, and that is probably why I got so hooked,
and why it hurt as much as it did. Yes. When you
look for validation outside the self (the only real validation), expect
this type of stuff.
To the extent that the abuser and victim are so lost, so clueless as
to how to help themselves, much less STOP their self-defeating behavior,
I think both have no other option but to stop blaming one another, take
responsibility for themselves, and forgive each other. That's the only sane option. Unfortunately too many take
other insane options...
This one sentence that Dr. Irene wrote, is worth zillions: "Just
know that in most cases, your abuser knew as much as you did: not
much." How sad, how funny. But if true: just think of what it
means, if this sentence is really true, and I think it is.
- Lee Oh Lee, excluding your
malicious type, it is soooo true...

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
To Gordon From Atypical, Reading your post made me realize that - one
reason I keep coming back to this site is that I am able to get angry at
other people's abusers even when I don't get angry at my own. Vicarious abuse's a start! It at least
is very brief change from depression. I can't agree that I am just on
the other side of the fence from the guy who wrote in. Take a another look; you are closer than you think.
I also can't begin to imagine depression as a way to attract someone
back? For some, it is that. For most, it is not.
Depression is a physical illness that many people are biologically
predisposed to. If you are depressed, get some professional help for it.
Medication and therapy make the best combination in my experience. Besides
I do not want my ex back. He would only continue the abuse. I am baffled
that you think we do not hear enough about the "victim's role"
here - or maybe I don't know what you mean? What I have read is most
typically "I try harder to please him - he abuses me. I try
standing up for myself/ boundaries - he abuses me. I try whistling the
Star spangled banner standing on my head - he abuses me...". I too
think it would be great to hear from more male victims, they are
certainly welcome. The writer is referring to the victim's taking
responsibility for their participation in the abusive relationship. Most victims spend time complaining and feeling helpless
and/or angry about their plight. Relatively few, like the poster above,
recognize that some of the reasons they stay is because they hope to
obtain validation, appreciation, etc.

B1: Submit
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000
The rage stage is something I understand very well. I seem to be
stuck in it currently. Every time I think I have been able to conquer
the current stage of rage, I get another load piled on. I end up
starting over. Obviously, I don't have control of my anger at this
point. I believe I probably need some professional help in order to deal
with it. Great idea. Tip: It's OK to feel
angry, rageful even. But you don't have to behave angrily. There
is a difference between making angry accusations in an angry and
self-righteous voice and calmly but firmly stating the specifics of what
behaviors bothered you.
I find myself abusing my abuser when it seems I can get away with it.
Whether it is to vent or to simply even the score, I don't know, but
whatever the reason, I DON'T LIKE MYSELF WHEN I DO IT! Exactly. There is a momentary high in the sense of power
and vindication your ego feels, but your integrity suffers because
somewhere deep down, you know you misbehaved. There is very
little to feel positive about and I mostly feel like giving up, just
don't know what to do next. The only thing you can
do when your requests for the abuse to stop do not work is to remove
yourself from a toxic environment.
The cycle is never-ending, build-up, blow-up, make-up... How do I get
past the anger and try to salvage whatever is left? I must set
boundaries and look after myself, but he won't let me. You don't need his permission or approval. Nor do you
need to convince him; he doesn't have to agree with you. If he doesn't
respect your position, you have no sane choice other than to back off. Nothing
I ever do is good enough. I never used to blow like I do now, I used to
be the calm, cool, and collected one, but I can't seem to hang on
anymore. Don't. Listen to your body; it's trying
to talk to you. Should I see someone re: my anger/rage? Yes. Start here. Leave? Shut up? Put it all back
in it's box, lock it up, shove it in it's closet, and board up the door?
No. That's a big no no. AGAIN? I've tried
everything, reasoning, arguing, crying, trying, ignoring, reading,
counseling, begging, and now I can't think of anything else that might
work. I am trying to just concentrate on me and what I need right now.
Any ideas??? Yes. It is likely that nothing will
work. Accept that. Focus on you and what you have to do to save
yourself from this constant headache.

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Dear Atypical:
You're not really "atypical." This is what so many victims
have said. "I can get angry at other people's abusers when I can't
get angry at my own." Let's switch the wording just a tiny bit.
"I can sympathize with and get angry *on behalf of* other victims
when I can't do the same for myself." Stand aside from yourself,
and see yourself as a real person, just the way you see everyone else
around you--all except yourself. Then give yourself a hug. Yeah! You are important enough to merit your own
empathy. In fact, you are the MOST important person you know...
You can't imagine depression as a way to attract someone back? I
could be wrong of course. I don't imagine you see yourself as attractive
when you're depressed. But once again, try imagining someone else, like
your ex, as depressed instead. Would you then feel the need to rush in
and help him? If that's true--and I might be wrong--you see depression
as attractive. Just in other people, not in yourself. But an abuser
isn't going to respond to depression in you the same way you do in him. Some people use depression or suicidal threats as
manipulation to gain power in a relationship. While this may be a
component, Atypical strikes me as truly depressed and low in self esteem
- as opposed to manipulative. Treat it! Depression is a treatable
physical illness.
What I meant about the "victim's role" is that I've got an
impression of hearing more about what abusers *do*, and less about what
victims do themselves. Yes. What victims
feel, yes, but less about what they do. (That might be just my
impression too, of course. Then we share the same
impression. ) I say this is "part of the universe"
because victims do see themselves as "passive,"
"responding" at best rather than "acting," and
feeling rather than doing. Yet to me it's problematic in a couple of
ways. Yes. Sometimes it can cover up what
somebody who sees themselves as a victim might be contributing to the
conflict BINGO!; though I'm not accusing
anyone of that here. Victims don't get into
self-righteous indignation to mask their contribution. They go there
because they feel so powerless and out of control of their lives.
Victims don't take their power. They take responsibility for the welfare
of others, but not responsibility for their own lives. They hope the
person they cater to will do that for them. All this is unempowering
The other respect is the one I mentioned. People handle abusers, or
try to, in different ways. Some ways are better than others. I think it
would be helpful to hear more about what victims do, and what works
better or not so well. There are a couple pages on that here and here. I
agree that more of this stuff would be useful.
And sometimes, yes, "I please him; he abuses me. I whistle the
Star Spangled Banner; he abuses me." There's a lesson in that. It
may be that nothing will stop someone abusing you. Nothing, that is,
except... to do nothing. To detach completely. But it's the last thing
many people think of. Because most victims of
guilty of wanting things to work out so badly, they are willing to sell
themselves short to give the benefit of the doubt. Over and over and
over. Victims need to take responsibility for their welfare here and be
willing to detach emotionally and or physically if their relationship
hurts them.
Take care.
- Gordon

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Oh, these are great topics since there are several issues being
discussed simultaneously. I briefly wanted to address the poster who
expressed they are not really angry, just depressed. My understanding is
that depression IS anger, but anger that has been turned inward. After
my Mother committed suicide I spent 40 minutes on the phone with her
therapist who explained this concept to me. That
was Freud's hypothesis. The research doesn't really support it, but,
even though I am a behaviorist (and we are supposedly at war),
clinically, I think the guy was onto something...
I cannot say it applies to everyone, but it seems to me that there
must be those who (whether consciously or subconsciously) are not
comfortable with their anger or are not really in touch with it and
become exceedingly apathetic in an effort to deal with it in a more
"passive" or covert manner? Yet the anger is indeed present on
some level regardless of the manner in which it manifests itself. By Gosh! I think she's got it!
Anyway, I have been here almost a year now and I have participated in
Ouchhh, I
Am Responsible, the Yak board, this board, etc. To
be honest, from my personal perspective, this specific board is just
about the only one where I have witnessed a great deal of input to the
effect of, "GET OUT!" The sad paradox is
that all too often, the victim has to stop trying so hard; the victim
too often needs to get into the mindset of leaving before his or her
victim gets the message. Angry people tend not to "hear" the
complaints. They minimize them.
On Ouchhh so many of the victims seem to be at the stage where they
are aware they are being abused, they either have or are still trying to
resolve it, but nothing has changed for months on end. In which case,
many know that the only other alternative is to leave since you cannot
get blood from a stone. Right. Yet, they
are not prepared to end the relationship at this time, so to tell them
to just get out does not go over well at all. They
are more interested in changing reality than in changing the only thing
they can change: themselves. Ouchhh is for people in early recovery when
the codependency is still so strong, a warm body is worth selling the
self out for. They are angry, in pain, some are in denial, and
they are not ready to move on, so I disagree that the emphasis is on
leaving. It depends where you go. My typical
advice is that leaving may be the only hope for making the relationship
In fact, the entire reason so many have remained for as long as they
have is due to their Codependent urges to "fix" others, a
learned hopefulness, self-blame/anger and various other factors, but
it's rarely due to lack of trying! Yes. They try
too hard. One must strive never to care about another's recovery more
than they care about it. And how many times is a person supposed
to try? Sometimes becoming really mad at the other person is just what
is needed to move beyond that. Although, no, one would not want to get
stuck there. Anger is a phase most recovering
victims go through.
The only time I have been offended by the, "You go girl!"
Is when a victim explains that they were so mad at their abuser that
they retaliated by yelling, name calling, hitting, et al and there was
periodically an underlying tone of, "Good for you! You showed
him/her!" That encouragement to act out makes me wince, I don't
think it's healthy. It's not. I see the "You
go girl!" complaints as a metaphor that echoes the majority of
visitors: abused women. When these women support each other and their
early recovery anger slips through, male victims and angry people feel
(are) ganged up on. It's a numbers game. I'd like it to stop.
However, overall all I have seen is a bunch of people doing their
best to comfort each other which I think is wonderful. The ones who are
stuck in their anger need to get unstuck when the time is right for
them. I have tried in the past to help with that, but realized it's not
my place. I was very clearly told by one woman that she "owns"
her feelings and has the right to be as mad as she wants for as long as
she wants, and I have to respect that - although I do not have to be
witness to it either. That's what the delete button is for :)
Terri Are you the Terri I know and

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
In Response to "Victim Think" I discovered last December
(after a lot of therapy and reading the Patricia
Evans book) that I was in a long term (20+ year marriage) abusive
situation. I changed my behavior, which triggered an
"incident" of being verbally blasted and said to him,
"You are verbally abusing me and I want you to stop it now."
His response was "That's ridiculous ! I'll show you what verbal
abuse is..." and of course did not stop. I was trapped in a car
with him out in the middle of nowhere, otherwise I would have exited the
As time went on, we went to therapy and he said he felt at first like
he'd been labeled a criminal-verbal abuser and a marked man, etc. Then,
as time went by, he became remorseful and I received promises that it
would never happen again, etc. I had filed for divorce by this time and
he begged me to change my mind, stating that he had changed, it would
never happen again, but when I said I was going to go through with this,
he yelled at me for hours, saying how mean, cruel, and selfish a person
I was - along with some other slams about my physical appearance. I
asked him as best I could (to get a word in) about what he was doing and
he said, "I'm just venting here." So he didn't stop when asked
to stop and he didn't recognize his behavior as hurtful and damaging,
even after being made aware . Yes. I know it
sounds strange, but he really was just venting his outrage... With
absolutely no awareness that even though he "didn't really mean
it," and he can't possibly fathom how you could experience it
otherwise. He'd better learn.
My point is that although it logically sounds easy to say to a spouse
"stop this, this is unacceptable" it does not always mean that
it will happen especially if the "abuser" doesn't recognize
their behavior as hurtful or abusive. Correct. It
is much easier to do if these "rules" have been established in
a therapist's office. Relationships are tricky things and it does
"take two;" one to talk and the other to listen. Also it is
very hard for people in healthy relationships to understand what happens
within the cycle of abuse. Yes. I know that
it is taking me an great deal of time to change myself and it has
nothing to do with intelligence or logic. It has to do with love and
understanding towards both the victim and abuser. Good Luck to You,
Barbie And you...

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
When I first felt rage, I asked my psychiatrist to hospitalize me for
my and my spouse's own safety. You see, I didn't know until afterwards
that what I'd experienced was actually "rage". The second time
I felt rage, I knew what it was and what had caused it. The third time I
felt rage, I determined to leave. I'd talked myself hoarse with my
spouse. I cajoled him into a few therapy sessions and my therapist
talked to him. I told him point blank that if he didn't work with me, I
wanted a divorce.
Nothing got through to him; and I continued to think somehow it was
either all my fault or all my imagination. Why the
codependent needs to learn to trust his or her feelings... Your rage was
telling you that your life was unbearable. After all, no
therapist had ever laid any responsibility at his doorstep. BUT when my
experiences were finally validated, identified as domestic violence in
general and verbal/emotional abuse specifically, my eyes were finally
opened and I knew that my gut feeling had been true for years before my
head caught up with it. Amazing, huh?
I used my rage to get organized, get a lawyer, get all the
information I could, and then leave. Instead of
whining and wishing for change, you heard your anger's message. You used
the energy your anger mobilized constructively. I am certain my
spouse is still in the dark about "why" I left. Some men just
don't get it. Not even after 20 years. Unfortunately.
I did my reading; I knew about boundaries; I even stood up to him on
occasion. But when you live day in and day out with someone whose goal
in life is to systematically tear your soul and your self-esteem to
shreds, you seldom have the strength to fight back as often as you would
like to. Right. I might point out that it is
unlikely that your husband's experienced motivation or intention was to
tear you to shreds. In all likelihood, he just felt it was your job to
"care" for him.
I still hurt tremendously. I cannot imagine another intimate
relationship with a man. The slightest courtesy can reduce me to tears
(why is this stranger nice to me when my spouse wasn't?). Because your husband knew no better. Rebuilding
trust will take a long time. But I would still cheer on any woman who
wants to leave, even if it is a temporary separation while each spouse
seeks counseling and knowledge; more and more I believe that it is only
coming home to an empty house that gets the message through to a man:
you are in deep trouble, mister, and you'd better get your act together.
Unfortunately, you are correct.

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
ok. I've left the abusive relationship and for a while I was really
angry. To me it was good and motivating anger. I feel as though I've
worked through it and it's not boiling under the surface. Good!
However, when I talk about the abusive times I still get angry and
emotional. Is this normal and is it ok that I am no longer actively
dealing with it? When it comes up I acknowledge it and then move on. Is
this healthy? I don't feel as though I am stuffing it, but I don't feel
the need to act on it in any way either. I don't
have enough information to answer your questions. You may still be
processing your painful experience; this takes time... I would worry
less about that than I would about not repeating your past.

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
I think what Dr Irene meant by he is projecting his perfectionism on
to you.
She means that he has a different reality than you (Doesn't mean its
a better reality than yours, just different!!!)
Therefore, whatever you do in his eyes isn't okay. Though that
doesn't mean that YOU AREN'T OKAY, you are okay. Though if your
expecting your husband/partner to agree you'll be waiting along time (or
at least until one day he wakes up and recovers!!!) Nicely put.
All you can do Becky is accept that you do your best. In fact, if he
comments about something you do, don't argue, don't defend (because you
are okay and just different, everyone is different, and its nothing to
apologize or defend yourself about!!!!) Right.
Just say I am doing my best (say no more), say it in one tone of voice
only, that's a cool tone, stand up straight and look up, not down at the
floor. I like this! (And learn not to care about
how he reacts; leave if he gets abusive.)
Work on your self esteem, to do this find out what you like, love,
hate, start a self discovery project. If you chose something be it
clothes, decor, food, decisions, whatever, and you find its not what you
want don't worry, just remember next time to chose differently. Its okay
to have consequences. Its okay to make mistakes and start a fresh, your
HUMAN, so don't expect the un-expectable, we all make mistakes. THOUGH
that the truth!
REMEMBER, your body language, (how you stand, if you look straight at
a person, if you slouch is 55% of the message another person receives)
so stand up straight, look the person in the eye, don't be sarcastic,
just say as if you were talking to a child, I am doing my best!!!
Also watch the tone of voice as I said above because 38% of the
message another person receives.
The words are only a mere 7%. (Exactly
38% and 7%, no more, no less. :) )
Take care Theressa

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
For Dr. I from Atypical This is really interesting that I come across
in writing as being angry and even stuck in rage. I just read your
response to my earlier post. I think if you met me in person we might
both laugh. I still have nightmares about some of the things my ex
abuser said and did. So, being angry is the most
appropriate thing in the world for you right now. You are working
through and making sense of your experience - and post traumatic stressy
experiences... And in my life at present perhaps there is no
other outlet for my feelings besides the internet - thank you for
providing that. If I was not still stuck in something I guess I wouldn't
be here. I'm glad you are here. (And will be even
gladder when you no longer need to be here...)

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Dr Irene,
Please give me your views on this.
All are very good questions and some are a bit tricky to explain
since they carry a somewhat different meaning to all of us. I would like
to say one thing though. While we can all say your H's childhood played
a big role in his behavior today, he by no means appears to be a freak
or least no more than the rest of us. We are all creations
of our surroundings don't forget his biology -
50/50 nurture/ nature, we think..., his (like mine) was just a
bit different than most and I can sympathize with the man.
There seems to be a common thread in all conversations when trouble
arises and that is change. My stbx what's
"stbx?" said the same thing, she stated she has not and
will not change. What can you do, but explain the pure foolishness of
that statement. However in doing so, you usually state they are wrong
and defenses fly up. The fact is we all change everyday. We are always
inundated with new stimuli, new children, and new people. Our own model
of the world changes on a daily basis to accommodate these changes.
Typically speaking, these changes are automatic responses and not
thoroughly thought out. My goal is to wrest these automatic responses
from my subconscious and make them conscious. Or at least pay close
enough attention to monitor the auto response and say yay or nay. If its
nay, I take over and make a conscious decision. Yippeee!
You got the right idea!
Much of your H's defensiveness is likely brought on by the way he is
approached. It takes a very mature person and one who is open to
suggestion to take constructive criticism well and learn from it, even
though it stings. It appears you H is not there yet and until he
understand that, he will be stuck. Constructive
criticism can be tough even for relatively healthy people to take...
It sounds rather silly, but in the case of scolding your daughter,
you obviously disagree (and so do I) on how he handled it. I think the
key is to agree on a method prior to discipline. Yes
yes yes! Ye old United Front... Fighting about a method
after it happens does no one any good. You need to sit down and make
some rules together that you will both follow, write them down and sign
them if you must. And if you fight, do so behind
closed doors, away from the kids.
I think acceptance is often confused and misused. You are either
willing to modify your behavior for the love of your partner or you are
not. Nice. This is reality. If you are not,
then move on. Think back to when you first started going out. I bet you
both can list off some major changes you each made in your life to
accommodate one another. You did it back then and you can still do it
now. The key is when you change to make your partner happy, be sure it
is not by doing something you are totally against for if it is, it will
only breed bitterness. If you change, do so only
because it will increase your integrity and self respect. Many of your
partner's requests for your change will accomplish this. Other requests
are downright codependent. Don't ever do anything that compromises your
integrity. For anyone. Even your kid.
They way acceptance and inability to change are used, it puts people
in a conundrum. My stbx basically said the same thing, she commented
that I should accept her the way she is, yet at the same time she could
not accept me. Yuk. You don't need to be around
someone who doesn't think you are wonderful... Its simply
hypocritical self defense and does not work. I feel that change and
acceptance work together and at different levels. The acceptance part
comes into play for the menial actions that partners do. My lf for
example always puts her shoes on the same way and ties them the same
way. Who the hell cares? I would have never even noticed had she not
pointed it out. We have to decide what is important and what is not. We
can not force our partners to change ever little aspect of who they are,
but we should be able to accept some compromise and both parties working
towards the common goal of a happily married couple. The changes your partner asks for that you might well
consider are those changes that challenge you to be your best self.
With your situation now, I see two individuals fighting for their
individuality, not a married couple working towards a positive goal. No partnership. You feel used and wonder why you
should change and Michele states that well in her article "why
should I be the one to change". Someone has to be the stronger to
do it. You have lost something in your marriage that you once had, walls
have been built and they now need to be tore down if a marriage is to
Acceptance and change is tricky. If you have something that
absolutely drives you nuts, ask for the change. Remember though, that
you are responsible for your happiness and if you want a successful
change, you need to be specific. It also helps to
pick your battles. You cant simply ask for more attention. You
need to state specifics because we often have different ideas of what
attention is. A good idea is to just pick one thing EACH so things are
fair. Its probably even best to start by asking for one thing you can
change about yourself that would make him happy. Remember, when he
answers don't blow up. You need to create an atmosphere where he can be
comfortable talking to you.
Contemplate the change and don't forget that you will be requesting a
change too. After he asks, assuming it is not totally out of the
question, let him know you would like to work together for a better
future and ask if he would be willing to do the same. Keep in mind the
change he asked of you and try and pick something in the same 'range'.
If you both agree to the specific request, each keep notes and rate each
others performance on meeting the requests for a couple weeks.
It may all sound silly, but it gets across the point that you are
BOTH willing to work on a better future, both willing to accept and
change together. After a couple weeks, keep up with that change and add
another. As time goes by, if each party is upholding their end of the
agreement, a bond will actually begin to developed and as it strengthens
everything will become easier and future changes will be met with less
I have a different method for accomplishing
change with my couples. Assuming each partner knows what the other
hates, I drop that line of inquiry - and ask each person to take their
own inventory. I ask them to work on making themselves the best they can
be. I've found this more effective than making requests of other.
As for being down on my values, I am very flexible. Arguing over
something that is already done is a waste of time. Yes.
The only value to looking at stuff you guys messed up is to figure out
what went wrong so you can learn for the future. Do this only if you can
both do it without assigning blame. The rules, for the children
and all other areas of potential disagreement need to be laid out. After
all, how can you play a game if you do not know the rules. Correct. Kids need clear limits.
Typically speaking, I fight fire with facts. I can be a force to be
reckoned with in a debate. I have found most people have a concept and
as a whole it may seem to be very correct. When I run into someone who
thinks this is best, no questions, I chunk down their concept and ask
questions. I break the concept into smaller parts because as a whole
most people can not see the true makeup. As it gets broken down I ask
specific question, further breaking it down and asking more question.
The questions keep coming and coming and before you know it I have
introduced them to aspects of the larger concept they have never thought
about. In asking my questions I do not even need to point out errors in
their logic because they do it themselves and typically they get to a
point of not being able to answer with factual information, and at that
point their concept is acknowledged as simple opinion and one that
happens; right and wrong no longer apply. You sure
you never had some training as a cognitive therapist?
In the case of the scolding you mentioned above, ask your H why he
handled it that way. You need facts, not just "because". He is
not being forced to answer questions, most likely because none are even
being asked. He is responding on an emotional level, but why? There is
more to it, but no one will know what that is until the ask why. Ask when hubby is cool. Also, a great book for raising
kids calmly and reasonably and setting fair limits, etc. is Assertive
Discipline for Children. Best book I know.
Someone I know said whilst you make these changes and start standing
up for yourself you should give more warmth to your h.
That may be hard to understand, but i have to agree with it a bit,
but not for the obvious reason. For me, standing up for myself meant
asking myself the questions I feared to answer with regards to my own
happiness. The questions about the part I truly did play in my stb D. As
I answered those questions honestly I began to realize my errors and how
they could be corrected. NLP gave me a better grasp on the workings of
the mind, new ways to change my perception and an understanding why
people do what they do for the most part.
With this knowledge came power, self confidence and compassion. Not
because another deserves it, but because I know that for the most part
people are unaware of their destructive personal habits. Entirely correct! The people I know do not have
the personal awareness that I posses and therefore I am at an advantage.
I understand that most of my friends and acquaintances are simply slaves
to their own subconscious and more often than not their actions (better
termed as reactions) carried little or no conscious thought. Your friends don't know how to take responsibility for
their lives. Sounds like you may want to consider expanding your circle.
Its like stepping on a dogs tail and having it swing around and bit
you. Its easy to be angry at a dog for biting you, but once you
understand that you stepped on its tail, your anger fades because you
realize it was an automatic response by the dog. Right.
The same thing goes for people and that is why often after giving
someone some time after a verbal confrontation, you will get an apology.
Much of the words are driven by pure uncontrolled emotion, and once they
have time to recount the situation, they feel bad for what they said. Yes. True in most situations.
The warmth you would be passing along to your H would come more from
your own personal understanding that from anything else.
Thanks Theressa Thank you too Theressa. And,
gang, I'm off to sleep again. Will be back. Boy, you're all keeping me
busy this week!

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Dear First Felt Rage:
I agree that women leaving (or in my case getting thrown out) really
does get the man's attention. Maybe the only way. I think I am coming
around to that point of view now. I just wish that this could be done
more often at a point in the relationship when there is something
preserved of the relationship and not a total emotional disconnect after
staying for years in a dead relationship. You are assuming
there is nothing left. Don't. My experience is otherwise: the victim
needs to tell her abuser how awful she thinks he is; how they will be
finished forever; blah, blah, blah... Then, once the anger has been
expressed and acted out and the victim sees that her partner is still
around and really does care about her, well... Stuff happens...
I am separated from my wife and although I have had total clarity and
the "Road to Damascus" moment regarding what I lost what I
want who she is what I did etc etc, it might be too late because she
feels a lot like you do, and I did a lot of the things your ex-husband
did. I am just hoping against hope that my new technique of supporting
her and being her friend will eventually turn the tide. I just flat out
don't want to give up on our marriage. Keep it up!
This attitude is a win-win. Do not fall into the discouragement trap.
Remain her friend (and become your own in the process).
Also, I don't know that the original poster's point was that women
shouldn't leave but that there shouldn't be such an instant cheering
section and gleeful joy at relationships being torn apart. Leave, but
maybe you two could work something out and repair the relationship now
that you, the wife, are gone and maybe hubby figures out that he is in
deep ____?
PJM In a perfect world...

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Terri- Hey, for once, we agree! :D No seriously though, you
articulated very well something else I also wanted to get across but
wasn't really sure how to do it. I don't think the "You go
girl!" that the original author is talking about is a stuck-in-rage
victim angry thing. You explained why. When I was talking about this
letter with my BF last night, he said he was really confused - he
understood the feelings of original poster because at one time he felt
attacked by the 'victims' here too, and he understood the point that Dr.
Irene was trying to make, but he didn't think that they had that much to
do with each other. Yes, it's important to victims not to get stuck in
anger and blame, but I'm still confused as to how the original poster's
frustration/anger has anything to do with that - he seems angry at
something else, and I personally don't feel it was a great example to
illustrate the problem of victims getting stuck in anger/blame. But
that's just my opinion... Noted! -SatokoGirl

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
The original poster has used a few examples of victim anger to
generalize all replies. It's an exaggeration. Most of the replies on the
Yak Board or interactive emails are not like the poster describes.
Any normal, sane person would become angry by the way abusers treat
people. It's what you do with the anger that counts. Frankly, my anger
gives me an extra boost in working to get away from my abusive brother.
When I left a long-term relationship a few years ago (that's how I ended
up in the same house with my brother), I was very angry and didn't know
why for a long time. I thought I had the perfect relationship until I
started to keep a journal of what made me upset. That's when a pattern
emerged. I have already moved through sadness and grieving the loss of
my significant other, and my brother.
I highly recommend Patricia Evan's new book, Verbal
Abuse Survivors Speak Out. It contains concrete suggestions on how
to help yourself, things that have worked for survivors. It also has
good descriptions of where the abuser is "coming from." I
found this book to be in-depth, and helpful. Sis

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Theressa, (Gordon, there's a comment for you, as well). Thanks for
your input. I've been having a hard time keeping the lid on my anger
lately. He has been suggesting the following: 1. That I read Men
Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, because I "might learn
something." I read that book years ago, he refused to, and isn't
reading it now. Besides, this book, like many others, assumes that there
is an equal power base in the marriage, and that the spouses just need
help understanding gender differences. Correct.
Not entirely applicable in abuse. We don't have an equal power
base. 2. I should watch a self-help infomercial for the same reason. I
have watched many such programs, and even have a set of Tony Robbins
tapes that he has told me he has no interest in. (That is until I
started writing in the workbook! Then I was "hogging" the
workbook. When I offered it to him, he said "Too late" and has
never listened to the tapes). 3.If I would be "different," he
wouldn't act like he does toward me.
I do need to stay calm, and I do better some days than others.
Gordon, you mentioned detaching. I understand how necessary that is, but
when you are so emotionally invested in a relationship, it feels too
much like giving up to detach, and we codependents HATE to give up! True, but now you are giving in to your symptoms; you
are selling out at the expense of the self! There's also the fear
that the abuser will use your detaching as an excuse to further label
you the "bad guy." Another codependency
symptom: you care too much about what others think. Thus, (he
thinks) he's justified in being hateful to you, and leaving you. You don't get it: he's only looking for an excuse to pin
the blame on you; any excuse. Don't bother trying to be perfect; he'll
find something, or provoke you until he gets what he wants. Example:
my husband will say something abusive, I leave the room. He taunts me:
"See? You won't listen to how I feel! Communication is IMPOSSIBLE
with YOU! With YOU it'll never work!" Gr-r-r-r-r! Yes, sometimes, I
take the bait! Less and less, though. GOOD!
I'm not saying that I shouldn't detach, you understand, I'm just saying
that it isn't in my nature, and I'm afraid when I do it. Learn to deal with the fear. It's not that it is not in
your "nature;" it is that you were taught not to detach.
I guess this comes down to the same thing: we can't MAKE these people
want to have a healthy relationship if they don't want to; we can't MAKE
them deal with themselves and their own bad behavior. We need to work on
our own stuff and stay out of the line of fire. Yep.

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Satoko Girl and others accused of being "stuck in anger",
I understand what you are saying and was slightly taken aback by the
harshness of Dr. Irene's response to my query. I honestly didn't feel
angry or attacked by the original post. I was asking a simple question
if perhaps the author feels some sort of attack or threat (because he's
losing his wife?) by the overwhelming group support that victims provide
to one another on this site. To me, that is one of the healthiest and
most productive attributes of this site (if done in good taste). If
there were more words to his story, I would have liked to see the whole
letter because we could easily misinterpret his "frustration"
as "responsibility shifting". Our main objective as recovering
victims is NOT to "gang-up" on abusive people here - it is to
help clouded-thinking victims!. Dr. I, you stated that I have some sort
of a "problem" if I've misinterpreted the emotion that the
author expressed. Forgive me if you experienced my
reply as "harsh." But, check it out: you took a skeleton
letter and imposed all this stuff on it that was not there! Like it or
not, this is an indication of baggage you carry. Which is not a
criticism; I'm pointing out what I see. It is up to you to look inside
and see whether or not there is anything to attend to.
Unfortunately, there is no emotion here to see or feel - only words
to draw an opinion from! I can only read the message, and the message to
me (and I'm not alone) was that someone wasn't thrilled about the
support we give to one another to leave a seemingly abusive situation. I
don't see how this is ego-building...or how this makes me stuck in
anger?? If someone expresses here that they are being abused and they
don't quite understand if they are yet, and I can see it more clearly
from the outside looking in, tell me again what is wrong with supporting
that person (in good taste) to at least think about getting out? There is nothing "bad" or "wrong"...
you just don't see what I'm trying to get across. I've heard this
analogy many times before (Dr. I didn't like mine about the fire Only because you misinterpreted frustration and turned
it into anger...) but it is very similar to one she's used...
"If your house is full of radon and you can't control it, what
would you do?...I basically used the same analogy and substituted it
with fire because I happened to like it...we don't want to see fellow
victims get burned...and definitely don't want to feel like we're being
nasty to the fire by doing so! You don't get it -
yet. Keep thinking about this one, and, although I know you are feeling
defensive, please try not to be. I am not attacking You. I
am attacking what strikes me as some erroneous thinking on your part.
This is not a big deal! I am asking you to examine your assumptions. Yes,
I don't feel that people should continue to be abused! Yes! That is part of who I am, a lot of who I've
become... Isn't integrity acting out who you really say you are - when
actions are parallel with words? If those actions
and intentions elevate the self (as opposed to the ego). I would
think if I didn't support someone leaving an abusive situation, THAT
would compromise my integrity... No argument with
supporting someone who leaves abuse; again, and I know I sound like a
broken record: it is how you support them. You can support them with or
without anger.

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Is it at least theoretically possible to encourage a wife to get out
of an emotionally abusive relationship AND to work with her husband
(especially if the guy now "gets it") on her marriage once she
is safely removed from the abuse? A lot of posts, yours included, are
advising these women to get out and don't look back because you don't
need this guy nobody should have to put up with that kind of abuse,
people don't change etc etc. And they do it with a certain pervasive
self-righteousness and self-assurance. Do you know any other aspect of
your life that is that clear cut? Life isn't always that simple.

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
There are so many layers to this topic that I might deviate a bit
here from what you were discussing. I think it all depends on how one
defines "support." I have seen examples of one victim being so
enraged with their own abuser that they project that onto the abuser of
another victim indirectly. An example would be if one victim said,
"I am so upset today. My SO was really rude to me." And the
other victim is so full of anger themselves that they respond to the
effect of, "Oh, that SOB! I am so sick of the way he treats you!
How dare he do that!"
Or, as I mentioned previously, one victim will say they were so mad
that they screamed obscenities at their abuser or threw something and
others will chime in, "Yeah, you go!"
What can happen eventually is everyone feels better for a short
duration because they are all mad together, yet nothing is resolved via
this route if people get stuck there. Thank you.
This is exactly the scenario I am talking about. And, abused people who
get into this typically have little or no awareness they are jumping on
an anger bandwagon. I have seen some instances where there was a
vicious cycle of select victims in the group going back and forth
bashing abusers and expressing anger/rage, and some remained months and
months on end completely stagnant in that angry place. Ouchhh!
I cannot speak for anyone else, but I personally don't define that as
being supportive. In fact, when I joined this group and asked questions
like, "Well, do you think there is a healthier way to release this
anger?" I was basically told to shut up, that the purpose of the
group is to provide "support" - not to analyze behavior or
seek healthier alternatives. I kid you not. And I
think I love you! You just hit the nail on the head: that is why I had
to create a new list, I
Am Responsible - for victims in the later stages of recovery who are
past the angry validation stage.
Oh, well, I thought. I guess what you mean is you just want to be
angry all of the time and to have others be angry along with you. I
deduced that some interpreted support as being told that no matter how
they felt or what they said/did it was justified. I have a hard time
participating in stuff like that, although I do not judge it. I try to
bypass it and interact with the victims who, yes, they might be mad at
times but their goal is to find a solution to the abuse not just
vindication for their anger. I am not saying this is what you were
referring to at all, but your post got me to thinking about this area
nonetheless. It's an important issue in
victim recovery! If I have any credibility in your eyes, please trust
this one. Dr. Irene

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
Dr. I -What a fascinating discussion. I'm reminded of Elizabeth
Kubler-Ross's thoughts on Grief and the (correct me here) seven stages
of grief- Denial, Anger, Bargaining, (umm.....)...eventually Acceptance.
Correct me; I think it's 5 stages. When a
marriage ends, it is as stressful as a death. This victim is going
through grief for her dead "marriage", the marriage she never
really had. The abuser isn't aware that the "marriage" is
dead, because he liked the "marriage" just the way it was. A
true marriage is a sharing of power and decision making. This abuser did
not participate in a "marriage", and neither did his victim.
He's in Denial, she's one step past him into Anger. This is a fascinating discussion. You have an
interesting conceptualization... I need to think about it more...

B1: Submit
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000
The Five Stages of Grief:
In the 1960’s Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote the book "Denial of
Death". She identified "Five Stages of Grief": Denial,
Anger, Bargaining, Depression, & Acceptance.
There is a lengthy comedy routine about it by Dustin Hoffman playing
Lenny Bruce in the movie Lenny.
It should also be pointed out that the whole notion of the "Five
Stages of Grief" has its critics. Of course.
Any conceptualization is no more than a way or organizing data. If it's
useful for you, go for it. Thanks for the clarification.

B1: Submit
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2000
I just wanted to add why I kept trying my heart out even though the
harder I tried the colder and more withdrawn he seemed to get.
As a Christian I would read the bible verses about loving
unconditionally, I'd read books that would say the same thing. If you
just loved enough, forgave enough, one day your love for them would seep
into their hardened heart and they would soften. In other words love
enough for the two of you. When my affection or kindness would sometimes
get met with a very cutting, or sarcastic remark I'd just try and
understand that it came from the broken child inside him that was so
beaten up by his father. That worked for awhile. Or should I say it
allowed me to deny what was really going on. Being baited into vicious
arguments, hating myself for engaging, Then being told that I started it
by my reactions to his comments or unacceptable behaviour. I am no Biblical scholar, but I cannot imagine the the
Bible condones staying in a situation that is hurtful to the self.
What I did get from this unconditional love, was to be told I loved
him so much, it was pathetic to him. I think it also made him step the
cruel remarks up a notch, I'd step the unconditional love up a notch and
on and on it went. It got to the point that I was convinced I was just
so lacking in everything that any act of kindness he did seemed like a
miracle break through for me. My prayers were answered, for a day, a
week, a month and then - bam - it started all over again.
I just found this site a month ago and bought the Patricia
Evans book today Great book. I wish I
would have found this years ago. Who would have thought this behaviour
had a name or that it even was a behaviour.
Too late for this relationship; he's gone and not looking back. At
least he admitted he did the put downs, criticisms, and judgments
towards me so that he could justify leaving because he could make it
look like an unhealthy relationship. Great, he could have spared me the
anguish and just said he was leaving. Now the thing I can do is learn
all about this stuff and pick myself up from the emotional mess I was
left in. Learn what my part in the whole thing was and try and forgive
myself for the times I engaged in ugly arguments. I think back now and
wonder who that crazy person was matching his ugly remarks with ones of
my own. YUCK... You are regaining your integrity.
Good for you! I have apologized profusely to him for doing this.
No apology forth coming from him though, and his words still burn in my
soul. Stop. At this point, it is his soul that is
burning; not yours.
My remarks were about events or things done whereas his ripping
comments were about me, my worth, my intelligence, my character, I find
myself wondering.. "did he know me so well that those horrible
things could be true?" No one else seems to think so, but then as
he'd say "they don't live with you." Stop.
Don't go here; don't believe the hurtful things he said. Those things
are more of a reflection of who he is than who you are!
Life goes on. I wish I could feel some of that rage everyone keeps
writing about. At different times, like last year and previous years I
definitely reacted with rage, but then things changed. I make the
decision to never do that again and I didn't, then it completely
disappeared and never came back. I've been looking for it though because
I think it was better than the sadness I feel for the loss of him. Go
figure....... Please, go to the Book Shelf
or :