"Why does a woman author an abuser's page - when most
abusers are men?" Dumb question, isn't it? When did it become men against women, or
women against men? Last time I checked, we were all human. I am bothered by the finger
pointing of some angry victim or feminist groups - because abuse is not a sexist issue!
Throwing in the sexist variable only blurs the issue and unnecessarily pits men against
If some battering creep is following his wife around and
making threats, stop him! Same for the crazed wife who hurls knives at her husband.
Despite our culture's reinforcement of anger as a male strategy (i.e.,
"macho"), and despite the fact that most reported abuse is committed against
women, abuse is a human problem. It doesn't matter whether the perpetrator or
victim is male or female or any permutation thereof.
An abused woman has every right to be furious with her
partner. His behavior is not her responsibility. Her behavior is her
responsibility. Yet, according to some angry opponents, it is not; she was "the
victim." Now what? Do we revere the poor victim and serve her up as evidence of how
awful her abuser is? What good does that do? Enabling the victim does not help! When
the victim learns to handle (his or ) her own problems, that does help. They have
become empowered.
Nobody should have to put up with abuse. Nobody! We
all have issues in life. The abused person is entitled to all the support in the world to
get themselves out of their mess. What matters is ending the abuse, not how it came about.
It doesn't matter who is to blame. Blaming is a waste of time and energy that could be
better spent elsewhere, like working on the solution. So, no bad guy, no good guy. Just
human beings with problems. If it doesn't work, fix it!
Supporting the Abuser
Likewise for the abusive person. Fix it! Unfortunately, this
person has fewer resources. It is sooooo easy to write off "the bad guy" (or
gal). Also, most "bad guys" are in denial and rarely seek support. When they do,
they are mandated by a Court or, more likely, a fed-up mate walks out on them and they go
nuts. Abusive people are no different from abused people: there is so little public
awareness, it often takes a long time to figure out what is going on (see verbal abuse email for how long it took some gals).
The objective of this section will primarily be to
help fill the angry person's resource gap: to educate and support the abuser in his or her
By the way, no enabling allowed.
More on Dr. Irene's position here. |