June 10, 2004 Dr. Irene, I spoke to you about 4 years ago. I am from Australia and was married to an abusive man. Typical in divorce from a controlling person, it has taken me four and half years to get through the court system to settle. After a huge amount of money and mishaps, I was awarded alimony. I have my daughter living with me who is only 13 years, so you can see that I am still tied to him via alimony and children. Yes. The problem I have, is that he is still litigating me. My children and I have suffered enormously and my health is deteriorating. I can’t stop the court cases, I have tried representing myself but as I am so stressed and depressed I get things wrong. When I go to court I have to pay solicitors! How can I stop him? He has remarried; has a beautiful daughter, and another baby on the way. Two years ago he had a massive stroke, which has left him with little use of his left arm and HE limps with his left leg. He still works in his high-powered position as a very senior partner in a large international firm. You told me he would to get at me even at the risk of his children. My daughter doesn’t see him much. My son lives with him now since I could not cope with him living with me anymore. My children understand why I left him but they are sick of the arguments between us. What are the arguments about? What does he want? We never speak, only email. His emails are abusive and I don’t care! The
slightest reason he can find, he will take it to court. Also I worry about
a family trust we had where he put all the liabilities in my name! I worry
one day this will become an issue even though he has stated that he will be
responsible for this and the court has also stated that he is to take
responsibility for the money owed by the trust. If
the court said this, you can probably put your mind at rest. Sometimes even though you
have these things in place to protect you, you still have to justify to the
court why you are not responsible. Dear Vivi, The very first thing that struck me about your letter is how overwhelmed and tired and powerless you sound. You've dealt with a lot over a four-year period, and that's enough to send anybody reeling! Bottom line: you sound depressed, so of course you are asking how to cope! First of all, I hope you are in therapy or a support group. If not, get there. Please, seriously consider evaluation for antidepressant medications until this is over. Medication may be extremely important if you are indeed as depressed as you sound. The next thing that stuck me: Bondage. You are in emotional bondage. Vivi, you're not going to like this, but I'm going to say it anyway: this guy has you over a barrel because you insist on getting what's right and what's fair. Your ex is such a lunatic, the price for getting what's right and fair may be too high. You need to re-examine your objectives and decide what you want to do. You said it yourself when you talked about this as your main focus. I am reminded of the stereotypic high powered executive: the one who despite doctor's orders won't give up the fast pace - despite the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Sounds a lot like your ex, huh? Your ex is in bondage to the money, power and glory his job confers. He chooses to risk his physical health because the payoff is worth it. Aren't you doing the same thing? By insisting you get your fair share, your physical and emotional health is suffering. You are in bondage to your fair share, and your ex knows it. He knows what you want, and he will make certain you will pay for it. Vivi, is it worth it? Going against what is PC, I suggest you ask yourself just how much you need to live. Is what you are fighting for worth the price? You may want to shift your mindset from fighting for your fair share. Your ex chooses to remain in bondage to his position - despite health risks - given the goodies he gets. I am asking you to make a conscious choice about your "position in his firm" - given the price you are paying emotionally in your quest for your "fair share." Only you can decide because the reality is that you're unlikely to have it both ways. Knowing he's "got you" must be very satisfying for your ex, motivating him for more. Consider re-thinking the War Plan. Consider shifting your focus, shifting your lifestyle to save your sanity. What if you were this concerned about a new business? A new career path? We're talking about making choices given the present reality. You need not be in bondage. You decide. I'll be back by the end of next week to reply to your comments. God bless you. Dr. Irene While you can no longer post, please go here to read the posts. |