February 27, 2002
Dr. Vaknin is author of of the informative book, Malignant
Self Love - Narcissism Revisited. He also edits various mental
health categories on Open Directory, Suite101, Go.Com and
SearchEurope.com. While his doctorate is not in mental health,
this well-informed author clearly did his homework and writes from
experience. Dr. Vaknin's CV is (no longer available)>published
here. His book, and much more, is available in hard copy or
download on his (no longer available) main
web site.
Dr. Irene
EDITED 2/09. Unfortunately, while the content itself stands on its own
in helping people understand narcissism, the writer's credibility may
be questionable.
For example, see here: (links no longer available) |
The Narcissist turn the workplace into a duplicituous hell. What to
To a narcissist-employer, the members of his "staff" are secondary
sources of Narcissistic Supply. Their role is to accumulate the supply
(in humanspeak, remember events that support the grandiose self-image
of the narcissist) and to regulate the narcissistic supply of the
narcissist during dry spells (simply put, to adulate, adore, admire,
agree, provide attention and approval and so on or, in other words, be
an audience). The staff (or should we say "stuff"?) is supposed to
remain passive. The narcissist is not interested in anything but the
simplest function of mirroring. When the mirror acquires a personality
and a life of its own, the narcissist is incensed. When independent
minded, an employee might be in danger of being sacked by his employer
(an act which demonstrates the employer's omnipotence).
The employee's presumption to be the employer's equal (friendship
is possible only among equals) injures the latter narcissistically.
The employer is willing to accept his employees as underlings, whose
very position serves to support his grandiose fantasies. But the
grandiosity rests on such fragile foundations, that any hint of
equality, disagreement or need (that the Narcissist "needs" friends,
for instance) threatens the narcissist profoundly. The narcissist is
exceedingly insecure. It is easy to destabilize his impromptu
"personality". His reactions are merely in self-defense.
Classic narcissistic behavior is when idealization is followed by
devaluation. The devaluing attitude develops as a result of
disagreements OR simply because time has eroded the employee's
capacity to serve as a FRESH source of supply.
The employee, taken for granted by the Narcissistic employer,
becomes uninspiring as a source of adulation, admiration and
attention. The narcissist always seeks new thrills and stimuli. The
narcissist is notorious for his low threshold of resistance to
boredom. His behaviour is impulsive and his biography tumultuous
precisely because of his need to introduce uncertainty and risk to
what he regards as "stagnation" or "slow death" (i.e., routine). Most
interactions in the workplace are part of the rut - and thus
constitute a reminder of this routine - deflating the narcissist's
grandiose fantasies.
Narcissists do many unnecessary, wrong and even dangerous things in
pursuit of the stabilization of their inflated self-image.
Narcissists feel suffocated by intimacy, or by the constant
reminders of the REAL, nitty-gritty world. It reduces them, makes them
realize the "grandiosity gap" (between their self-image and reality).
It is a threat to the precarious balance of their personality
structures (mostly "false", that is, invented) and treated as such.
Narcissists forever shift the blame, pass the buck, and engage in
cognitive dissonance. They "pathologize" the other, foster feelings of
guilt and shame in her, demean, debase and humiliate in order to
preserve their sense of grandiosity.
Narcissists are pathological liars. They think nothing of it
because their very self is FALSE, an invention.
Here are a few useful guidelines:
 | Never disagree with the narcissist or contradict him; |
 | Never offer him any intimacy; |
 | Look awed by whatever attribute matters to him (for instance: by
his professional achievements or by his good looks, or by his
success with women and so on); |
 | Never remind him of life out there and if you do, connect it
somehow to his sense of grandiosity ("these are the BEST art
materials ANY workplace is going to have", "we get them
EXCLUSIVELY", etc.); |
 | Do not make any comment, which might directly or indirectly
impinge on his self-image, omnipotence, judgment, omniscience,
skills, capabilities, professional record, or even omnipresence. Bad
sentences start with: "I think you overlooked ... made a mistake
here ... you don't know ... do you know ... you were not here
yesterday so ... you cannot ... you should ... (perceived as rude
imposition, narcissists react very badly to restrictions placed on
their freedom) ... I (never mention the fact that you are a
separate, independent entity, narcissists regard others as
extensions of their selves, their internalization processes were
derailed and they did not differentiate properly)...". |
You get the gist of it.
Well, we certainly know YOU do!
Good stuff, nothing else we would
expect from Dr. Sam! Now, the bibliography for all this:
 | I. The Narcissist and his Family |
 | II. Narcissists and Violence |
 | III. Can the Narcissist Get Better - Should I Wait? |
 | IV. Divorcing the Narcissist |
 | V. Male and Female Narcissists |
 | VI. The Narcissist in the Workplace |
can be found
here. Dr. Irene
His web site: (links no longer available) |
About the Author:Sam
Vaknin, PhD, a very popular contributor to this site, is the author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism
Revisited", the owner of the Narcissistic Abuse Study List, and
the editor of mental health categories in The Open Directory,
Suite101, and searcheurope.com.
COPYRIGHT: One time English language
print North American Rights and right to maintain in an archive
indefinitely - granted. |