Comments for C & K Material posted
here is intended for educational purposes only, and must not be considered a
substitute for informed advice from your own health care provider. B1: Submit S1Dear Carol and Kurt,
Lynn of the Cat Box here. Us, too,
Working it out. Good for both of you. Takes a lot of work, but I know
it will be worth it. Proud of both of you! Hey, Trubble, give the doc a
break. You still need her to do the typing and editing. Rats. Love and Prayers, Lynn B1: Submit S1This is the story I'm trying to complete with Stimpy. I love my wife but she no longer loves me. I understand why. I've changed my ways. With all of the divorce I read out here it nice to see someone stay married and grow stronger together. I believe if it is His will we will fall in love again. Off to my ALANON meeting. Good for you! Ren B1: Submit S1Dear Carol, I really enjoyed reading your story. Way to go! I hope you will be happier and happier with every new year. B. B1: Submit S1This is a great success story - I am very happy for both of you! I too was very co-dependent and a people pleaser. I would give in to his coercion and manipulation because of my fears of rejection, being alone and dealing with the extent of the abuse and my self-hatred. In the past few months, since our separation, I have broken all ties/communication except he still owes me over $10,000. Fortunately, I have signed papers stating our agreement and now I am contacting an attorney to get my money back. I'm sure he doesn't think I will stand up to him now, since I didn't for most of our relationship. Surprise! I am scared about following through with this, but I feel good being proactive and taking care of business. Do it! My best wishes to Dr. Irene and thanks for the continued information and support. Thank you. B1: Submit S1A great story of success! My husband and I ( we are just about to celebrate one year!) are ALSO on the recovery road, within our marriage. Long story short- we are working out our individual issues INDIVIDUALLY, and the marital ones together! It's exciting, sometimes scary, but always worth it.... ALWAYS. My best to you and your husband, Carol. Peace-Dawn B1: Submit S1It is nice to hear your story. As someone who didn't have it work out, I am afraid that standing up for myself will always leave me on my own. I am ready to accept that if that's the case, but your story helps me see that it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. Thanks and good luck. M. B1: Submit S1This is a great story. I'm truly looking for encouragement as my wife and I have recently seperated. It's finally dawning on me that I am a verbal abuser and she may be codependent. It truly seems after reading Pat Evans book on verbal abuse that the cards are stacked against us. I feel that knowledge is half the battle however, and your site is providing me with additional insight. Even though some of it is very difficult to hear. |